This Is Who I Am…Again #repost

I’m reposting this for those who would like to get to know me a little better.


Marquessa xoxo


Like I said in this past post, I don’t do selfies.

I always prefer to be behind the camera than in front of it. But since a few curious readers asked me “what I look like”, I’ve decided to post a photo.

A photo.

One photo.

A “one time thing” that may not happen again for a long while.

And this photo may go POOF! Disappearing off the internet like it was never posted.

So if you would really, really like to see “who I am“, you’ll need to scroll down.

Yeah, scroll down.

Scroll down some more.

Scroll down some more again.

You’re almost there.

Okay, there you go…

This is who I am.

Wait…what did you say?

I never said that the photo would be a “recent” one! 🙂

All Rights Reserved ©2017 Marquessa Matthews

41 thoughts on “This Is Who I Am…Again #repost

  1. mandibelle16

    Aw you were so cute! I’m sure you are now but I just guess 😉 I like the red top You chose to wear there, your color as well. Have been missing your fiction, you’re characters who we got to know so well.
    Enjoy your week my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The thing I LOVE about blogging is that its not about how you look. People are following you and reading your posts because they are genuinely interested in what you have to say, your looks are irrelevant lol. I also feel like not constantly (or never) posting what you look like is a good way to build real connections with people… Especially those who support bloggers who blog about mental illness

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Hello new followers and social media bots – Marquessa

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